In 1993, in the quaint town of Crestwood, Kentucky, our family embarked on a transformative journey, creating the world's first recycled playground. This endeavor, led by our visionary patriarch, wasn't merely about playgrounds; it was about answering a call to sustainability, a commitment that resonated deeply within our family's values. Over the years, our playgrounds, once crafted from innovative materials like TimberX (now known as Trex) have become sanctuaries of joy and eco-consciousness across the globe—from the serene landscapes of Bermuda to the vibrant communities of South Korea, reaching every corner of the United States and beyond.
As we've grown, so has our material, evolving beyond its original composition to become the gold standard in recycled materials. Our journey is a testament to a family's dedication to creating play spaces that not only enchant and engage but also care for our planet. Today, as the second generation steers our course, we remain rooted in the principles that founded our legacy: innovating, enriching children's lives, and nurturing the earth with every playground we bring to life. Our story is one of love—for play, for community, and for our planet—woven into the fabric of our family's legacy, promising many more chapters of sustainable innovation and heartfelt memories in the world of play.